
» We Build roofs that can last a lifetime

→ It’s your roof, so make it look Xtraordinary with the options we offer.

» #1 trusted roofing company in McAllen, Harlingen, Brownsville & RGV

Roofing and Restorations

Shingle Roofing Contractor In McAllen, Harlingen, and Brownsville, TX

→ Make Your Roof Stand Out With Color! Check Out Our Owens Corning Shingle Varieties.

→ XYZ Roofing and Restorations, Owens Corning Platinum Preferred contractor in South Texas, aims to make your decision-making process easy when it comes to choosing a new roof or restoring your current one. View our gallery below to explore the different colored roofing shingles in our inventory. If you don’t see something that interests you, contact our roofing company today to learn what we can do for you.

» provide top-notch solutions for all your roofing needs.

→ When you want the ultimate protection and impressive curb appeal, you’ll want Duration® Shingles. They are specially formulated on a TruDefinition® color platform that gives them dramatic color contrast and dimension in a wide range of popular colors. Beyond the great look, Duration® Shingles also come with the advanced performance of patented SureNail® Technology—with Triple Layer Protection® in the nailing zone for superior holding power. 

» Defying Ordinary, Defining Xtraordinary, with XYZ Roofing

→ As compared to traditional Oakridge® Shingles, TruDefinition® Oakridge® offer colors that are specially formulated with bold, high-contrast hues. They also provide premium protection with a full double layer in the nailing zone. This gives TruDef® Oakridge Shingles greater integrity and better holding power compared to shingles with single layer wide nail zones. We proved it in testing. If you want to make a nice colorful statement from the curb, these shingles are for you.

Premium Performance and Oustanding Beauty

Tru Def [Oakridge] Shingles

» provide top-notch solutions for all your roofing needs.

Premium Performance and Striking Beauty

Oakridge® [Shingles]

→ Oakridge® laminated shingles provide premium protection and impressive curb appeal. A full double layer in the nailing zone gives Oakridge® Shingles greater integrity and better holding power compared to shingles with single layer wide nail zones.

» Don’t wait until it’s too late! Trust XYZ Roofing and Restorations.

→ Supreme® three-tab shingles are a basic, smart choice when you want to balance weather resistance and value. A wide range of colors are available.

» Defying Ordinary, Defining Xtraordinary, with XYZ Roofing

Hip & Ridge Shingles

XYZ Roofing and Restorations


→ Compared to cut-tab shingles, RIZERidge® Hip & Ridge shingles offer a higher profile and more consistent look. They add depth and dimension, and are easy to install.

Pro Edge

→ Attention to detail matters. ProEdge® Hip & Ridge Shingles provide a clean and consistent look. Their enhanced aesthetics add distinction to your roof line.

Roofing and Restorations

See Shingle


» Don’t wait until it’s too late! Trust XYZ Roofing and Restorations.

Roofing and Restorations

Low Slope Options

Owens Corning has applied its 75 years of building science technology to introduce the DeckSeal Self-Adhered (SA) Roofing System for residential low slope. DeckSeal roofing membranes deliver premium, durable system performance for many challenging low slopett applications, such as additions, garages and porches.

Clean, Reliable, Friendly Installation

» XYZ Roofing and Restorations, your roofing experts

Other Key Components

In McAllen, Harlingen, and Brownsville, TX

Ice & Water Barrier

→ Helps protect the roof where water has a tendency to collect or flow, including valleys, eaves, chimneys and

Synthetic Underlayment

→ Provides a water-shedding barrier under shingles to guard against wind-driven rain.

Starter Shingles

→ Ensure a straight edge and effective seal along the eaves and rake—areas that are vulnerable to high winds.

Exhaust Vents

→ Help protect the interior components of the roofing system from heat and moisture damage.

» Defying Ordinary, Defining Xtraordinary, with XYZ Roofing

Features and Benefits

XYZ Roofing and Restorations

Trudefinition® Color Platform

→ TruDefinition® is our color design platform trademark on shingles that are specially formulated to capture the bright, vibrant hues and dramatic shades that showcase the aesthetic appeal of your home. Shingles feature multiple-granule colors and shadowing to provide an Xtraordinary look that will enhance your home and complement its natural surroundings.

Steakgaurd™ Algae Resistance Protection

→ Don’t let algae growth ruin the exterior appearance of your home. As an industry leader in innovation, Owens Corning blends copper-lined granules, which help resist algae growth, into our colorful granules in a way that is proprietary to us and scientifically developed to meet the needs of specific climates.

Limited Lifetime Warranty

→ If you purchase any of the System warranties, make sure you tell your contractors to register them with us and give you the proof of purchase! Having your roof installed by an Owens Corning Roofing Preferred Contractor or an Owens Corning Roofing Platinum Preferred Contractor can have an impact on your warranty coverage.


→ Significant wind can cause shingles to blow off the roof deck. Missing shingles can lead to leaks and other interior damage. The quality and performance of the sealant on a shingle play an important part in wind resistance performance. Owens Corning certifies our shingles to industry recognized wind resistance standards through independent third-party testing laboratories. To see the wind resistance warranty on this product, refer to the Technical Information section.

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